
Thank you for visiting my site, I hope that you found some useful information here.  I started the Children’s Book Writer in 2006 to serve as a repository of basic information, templates, links, and other things that I found helpful in getting my work polished, published, and marketed.  My goal is to maintain a free site where writers can obtain information that might be helpful to them in getting their own work published.

No warranties are implied for anything on this site. I created all downloads and templates for my personal use and am providing them to you for your use at no charge, with no warranties or guarantees. I can only say that I found them helpful for my needs, and I hope that you find them helpful as well.

For a time, my site was monetized by way of click-through ads. I used the money to pay for hosting the site. In early 2014, I decided that it was too much work to keep up with the tax paperwork, and the cost of hosting became too great, and so I moved to this free blogging site. I do not advertise here, though you may see ads placed here by the web host. (They make advertising money, I do not.) I hope to continue to make templates and resources available for writers to use at no cost.

While you are free to use the material here for your personal use, please don’t copy and repost my work as your own. Please link back to my site instead. I make my living as a technology blogger and kid’s writer, so I’d appreciate having my content attributed back to me.

Also, I don’t provide my contact information on this site, due to the spammers that I can’t seem to stay ahead of.  They’re tricky that way, and they get smarter every year.